What is an Audiologist and How to Find One

In today’s fast-paced world, many people are undergoing a lot of stress in their lives. The strains of city living, school, and the job market all take a toll on people. In addition to the stress of daily life, many people also experience hearing loss as they age. If you have hearing difficulties, you may find that your hearing isn’t as sharp as it once was.

Fortunately, New Hampshire Hearing Institute audiologists can help. Audiologists are specially trained to work with people who struggle to hear as well as people who have lost their hearing. They can help you with your hearing difficulties, by giving you the tools and education you need to manage them. You may wonder what an audiologist does and how to find one. Keep reading to learn more about the role of audiologists and how to find the best audiologists in your area.

What is an Audiologist?

Audiologists are medically trained professionals that specialize in working with people who struggle to hear as well as those who have hearing loss. Audiologists work closely with other health care professionals, such as audiologists, audiologic technologists, speech therapists, and hearing aid dispensers.

As a result of their specialized training and expertise, audiologists are able to help people with hearing difficulties, such as people with hearing loss and hearing aids, tinnitus patients, children who have speech delay, and children with cleft palate.

How to Find an Audiologist

The first step toward finding an audiologist is to determine the type of hearing you struggle with the most. Is it your ability to hear noises, like the hiss of a fire alarm, or the soft whispers of your friends? Or do you have difficulty understanding speech, even when it’s spoken loudly? Once you know what type of hearing difficulties you experience, you can begin looking for audiologists who specialize in helping that type of hearing-impaired person.

Next, it’s important to look for an audiologist who is familiar with your area. You want to find an audiologist that has experience working with people who have similar hearing difficulties. With that in mind, you can conduct online searches, look through local listings, and ask friends and family members for recommendations.

Audiologists and Their Training

Audiologists are health care professionals that have completed specialized training. This training provides them with the knowledge and skills needed to diagnose and treat hearing impairments. They may have a master’s degree or higher in audiology or another field, such as biomedical or occupational health.

Most audiologists have earned a master’s degree in audiology and have several years of experience working as an audiologist. Audiologists are required to have additional certifications, licenses, and/or affiliations, depending on their field of practice.

Audiologists and Their Role

An Audiologist is a specialized professional that is able to interpret diagnostic tests, such as diagnostic hearing tests and hearing aid fittings, as well as conduct diagnostic evaluations. These evaluations let audiologists know what kinds of hearing problems the person may be experiencing.

As a result of their expertise, audiologists are able to recommend the appropriate treatment for a person’s hearing impairments. These treatments may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, sound therapy, or counseling.

Finding an Audiologist

Your search for an audiologist can begin online. Look through online directories, review your state’s licensing requirements, and look through online reviews to find a local audiologist. If you’re not sure where to begin, you can use online resources to help you locate audiologists in your area.

Next, it’s important to meet with a few audiologists so you can feel comfortable with who you choose to work with. Ask to sit down with a few audiologists at once so you can compare notes and get a sense of how they work.

If you have insurance, you can also schedule appointments with audiologists through your insurance provider. This can help you get both an appointment and a referral with the same audiologist.


Finding an audiologist can be a challenging task. You want to make sure you find an audiologist who specializes in helping people with hearing impairments. You can conduct online searches, look through local listings, and ask friends and family members for recommendations. Once you find a few audiologists you’d like to meet with, make sure to schedule a few appointments so you can feel comfortable with who you choose to work with.

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